If you suffer from:
You've come to the right place!
If you are stuck, in emotional pain, or feeling overwhelmed, I can help you.
I use psychiatric medicines and effective psychotherapy, or both to relieve your symptoms and transform your life successfully.
When you become my patient, I devote myself to enriching you by assisting you to rethink your psychology, your medication, and your life.
Would you like to improve how you feel and function? By working with me with psychiatric medication or psychologically, you can discover the terrific results that my patients have already found.
Ultimately, when you learn to positively shift your psychology internally, your life positively changes externally.
It's not a sign of weakness to ask for help. If you don't process your emotional pain, it's likely to fester and get worse.
Let’s talk!
Please call me for an appointment.
facsimilie 310-943-2695