If you suffer from:
You've come to the right place!
If you are stuck, in emotional pain, or feeling overwhelmed, I can help you.
I use psychiatric medicines and effective psychotherapy, or both to relieve your symptoms and transform your life successfully.
When you become my patient, I devote myself to enriching you by assisting you to rethink your psychology, your medication, and your life.
Would you like to improve how you feel and function? By working with me with psychiatric medication or psychologically, you can discover the terrific results that my patients have already found.
Ultimately, when you learn to positively shift your psychology internally, your life positively changes externally.
It's not a sign of weakness to ask for help. If you don't process your emotional pain, it's likely to fester and get worse.
Let’s talk!
Please call me for an appointment.
facsimilie 310-943-2695
Testimonials - 2014
January 2, 2014--"Thank you, all, for your efforts in helping my daughter experience a better quality of life. She is becoming again a person she was years back."
January 3, 2014--"The quality of kindness represents you, Dr. Davidson."
January 6, 2014--"Thank you for your suggestions regarding divorce court. We saved my son."
January 16, 2014--"I am so grateful to have you; you have no idea."
January 18, 2014--"I am feeling so good today, like my old self."
January 20, 2014--"My son says you are really great; really likes you; and likes to talk to you. We really appreciate you."
January 22, 2014--"You have turned my life around. Cheers!"
January 24, 2014--"Dr. Davidson, congratulations. You hit a home run for me."
January 25, 2014--"Thank you. You hit the nail on the head with me! Everything seems to be working. I am really connecting with myself now. You've been more than helpful. You have given me very effective guidance--huge. It's fun talking to you."
January 27, 2014--"I feel comfortable talking with you."
January 28, 2014--"I feel more encouraged after talking 45 minutes with you, than I have felt in years. I feel now there is hope."
January 30, 2014--"I feel comfortable with you. I feel I am being heard. I understand what you are saying, and it feels good. I feel hopeful now, which I have not had in a while. I feel I can communicate with you."
January 31, 2014--"You rock. I am so much better. I tell everyone, 'My shrink is the best!"
January 31, 2014--"Thank you for helping me to improve my life. You have been very helpful. You looked at things in a different way than I have. Good advice is worth its weight in gold."
February 3, 2014--"You are very nice. You really are."
February 3, 2014--"You have been very helpful with all the suggestions you made."
February 3, 2014--"You are helping me get better."
February 6, 2014--"I feel better when I talk
to you."
February 7, 2014--"You have a very big effect on my life. Sometimes, I don't realize that this path is open to me: I want to say that you have kept me on an even keel. It is strange to me, but I have a good rapport, a person like me, with you. I compliment you on you. I have more insight."
February 7, 2014--"You are so calm and accommodating."
February 7, 2014--"I can't thank you enough."
February 10, 2014--"I am so happy my husband is seeing you. I really think you can help him, and he really likes you; and so do I. I am happy you are in our lives."
February 10, 2014--"I feel really confident, coming here."
February 11, 2014--"Thank you, Dr. Davidson. The director of the day program is amazed by my daughter's improvement. They never saw her like this before. She is doing very well in school. They report she made a 360-degree turn in her behavior and attitude. There have been no problems for months. You have done so well with my daughter. We are elated
February 14, 2012--"I saw positive changes and felt wonderful after seeing you. It was so nice.". There are no words to describe it."
February 17, 2014--"I always felt at ease and comfortable with you, from the get-go."
February 17, 2014--"I feel really confident, coming here. I am pleased with my progress."
February 17, 2014--"You are a very bright man. The amount of your knowledge is amazing."
February 18, 2014--"You are a positive influence in my life."
February 20, 2014--"I saw positive changes and felt wonderful after seeing you. It was so nice. I am exceedingly grateful to you. I am very struck by the way you conduct yourself and how I feel you have a rare something, really amazing, to come my way in being your patient; and in life, something great happens when you least expect it."
February 21, 2014--"Thank you, Dr. Davidson. It's amazing how I see my family changing and improving."
February 21, 2014--"I am really encouraged: For the first time in a long time I feel much better. I am no longer overwhelmed. I haven't felt as well as I feel now, since forever. I am really pleased, doctor. I feel comfortable with you, and I feel a level of being heard by you, which is very nice! It's easy to say that to you. You seem to know just what needs to happen. You are very encouraging and supportive."
February 22, 2014--"You are like no other doctor. You tell me all the details that the other doctors don't tell me. I thank god you are my doctor."
February 24, 2014--"I am more aware, go with the flow better, no longer having anxiety attacks or belligerence, smiling and laughing a lot more, not as self-serving, more aware of others, and can see other sides than just mine. I have started exercising again. I am more energetic. I am on a good diet now. I used to eat like a madman."
February 24, 2014--"I appreciate all the referrals you have given me."
February 25, 2014--"I feel better now. Thank you, doctor."
February 25, 2014 "You have helped me a lot. Nobody can outdo you on healing people."
February 25, 2014--"You help me. You are the best."
February 25, 2014--"I trust you, doctor. You are so intelligent."
February 26, 2014--"You are a very good psychiatrist. The last session, I was hopeless; and you immediately turned to what my main interest in life is. You focused my attention
on that, and it was very good."
February 27, 2014--"You have a good sense of humor. I think that's a very good thing."
February 27, 2014--"I have very high regard for you."
February 27, 2014--"I have the best psychiatrist in Los Angeles. I am a lucky man."
February 28, 2014--"I am a lot better."
February 28, 2014--"I wouldn't still be alive if it weren't for you. I would have quit long ago."
March 3, 2014--"Your advice was very helpful. I told my friend and it helped him. Your advice has gone viral."
March 4, 2014--"I believe in you. Your attitude is very good and very caring."
March 4, 2014--"You made me feel better, calm. Thank you."
March 5, 2014--"I am very, very pleased. I feel so much better. I feel better than I have felt in a long time. It's very different: the world looks better and I am more a part of things. I am very encouraged."
March 5, 2014--"You are a wonderful person. I am very lucky to have you around me. You are my role model."
March 6, 2014--"I feel safer when I am with you."
March 6, 2014--"Thank you. You changed my life!"
March 7, 2014--"I owe you a debt a gratitude for referring me to various doctors and helping me do it."
March 7, 2014--"My son said he likes you."
March 7, 2014--"You have directed me into the final direction."
March 7, 2014--"I am glad I found you. Obviously, they were giving me the wrong medicine."
March 7, 2014--"You are very encouraging. What you say makes sense. You have planted the right seeds in me. I wouldn't have been able to achieve what I have if I hadn't come here and seen what you showed me. I needed your professional guidance. I am no longer afraid."
March 20, 2014--"Thank you, doctor."
March 20, 2014--"You are the only person I can talk to."
March 20, 2014--"I feel safe with you."
March 28, 2014--"I am so much better, because of my work with you."
March 30, 2014--"It's so impactful, so major, what happens to me when I talk to you."
March 31, 2014--"I am so much better because of my work with you."
March 31, 2014--"Thank you for helping me to see everything clearer."
April 8, 2014--"Thank you for giving me my life back."
April 18, 2014--"You are fabulous. You are so smart. You are the best shrink in Beverly Hills. Everyone in my family loves you."
April 18, 2014--"You tell me a lot of helpful things."
April 21, 2014--"Thank you for helping me through this whole ordeal. It's been very good for me."
April 30, 2014--"You are my best psychiatrist out of the six I have had all these years. You are brilliant. You are a real mensch!"
May 6, 2014--"May 6, 2014--"I am much happier than I have been in a long time, and I attribute a lot of that to you. I am opened up to things, now."
May 13, 2014--"Thank you. For the first time in years, I feel I am finally moving forward."
May 14, 2014--"You make such a positive difference in my life!"
June 8, 2014--"You are good at being a psychiatrist. You have a positive effect on me. You have altered my behavior. You are very kind. And you are interested in me."
June 10, 2014--"I appreciate seeing you. I look forward to seeing you."
June 16, 2014--"Thanks, Dr. Davidson. I am much better. You are doing a good job! You diagnosed me; you talked to me; you ask interesting questions, and you give me things to think about."
June 19, 2014--"I have so much respect for you."
June 19, 2014--"Thank you, Dr. Davidson. My husband is a new man."
June 20, 2014--"I can't thank you enough for helping me change. I really appreciate it."
June 20, 2014--"Dr. Davidson. I like you."
June 23, 2014--"I felt really good about our last session. I am becoming much less selfish. Thank you."
June 23, 2014--"I felt really good about our last session. I am becoming much less selfish. Thank you. I am so excited talking to you. I can't tell you how much you inspire me. I keep hanging on to your words that this is reversible. To know I can make major improvement with you with the talk therapy is really hopeful. I feel I got a break. I feel proud of myself for having consistent therapy with you."
June 23, 2014--"Thank you. I am better now than I have ever been."
June 24, 2014--"As a result of talking to you, I can look at my life; I can put it into a proper perspective; cleaned up where I screwed up; and I realize the minutiae of my life is not important."
June 25, 2014--"You are very patient."
June 25, 2014--"I am lucky I have you. I am lucky I can discuss my life with you."
June 25, 2014--"You have been a very great help to me in facing myself and resolving my very deep-seated problems."
June 26, 2014--"I am going to a good doctor: I am here with you!"
June 29, 2014--"I am glad you called. I can't thank you enough."
June 30, 2014--"Dr. Davidson, I owe it all to you. You have been very helpful. You facilitated my getting well, without which it would not have been possible. You know what you are doing. I spotted it when I first met you. And you don't fall apart about things."
June 30, 2014--"Dr. Davidson, I owe it all to you. You have been very helpful. You facilitated my getting well, without which it would not have been possible. You know what you are doing. I spotted when I first met you. And you don't fall apart about things."
July 1, 2014--"You did a great job. You laid out all the problems in great detail. Thank you."
July 2, 2014--"Thank you for all your help."
July 2, 2014--"The beginning of my healing started when I came here to see you."
July 2, 2014--"I use the technique you taught me--to look at what is bothering me and accept it and allow it to go away. Thank you."
July 1, 2013--"Thank you for everything you have done for me."
July 1, 2014--"I am feeling much, much better. Thank you. I feel more of myself. You have done a lot of that for me. Having a good psychiatrist makes me feel much better. You have helped me so much with the unidentified snafu in my personality. I give more thought to what I commit to. And I have learned to modify my impulse control. And you have helped me identify a split in my functionality. So thank you; thank you."
July 5, 2014--"I am so thankful for you. So much of my life has improved since working with you. I am excited about doing more talk therapy with you."
July 9, 2014--July 9, 2014--"With you, I can be myself. I can be honest. I can't tell others, as they stand in judgment and criticize me. And you are very down to earth. I feel very comfortable with you."
July 10, 2014--"When I talk to your patients in the waiting room, they all think very highly of you."
July 10, 2014--"When I talk to your patients in the waiting room, they all think very highly of you."
July 11, 2004--"This is one of the only places where I can say what I am thinking."
July 11, 2014--"I have been to many psychiatrists for years. You are the first person who ever really helped me."
July 14, 2014--"I am doing so well as I have you as a therapist. You are very friendly to me. It enables you to get closer to me and learn about me. That has made all the difference in the world."
July 14, 2014--"I am doing so well, as I have you as a therapist. You are very friendly to me. It enables you to get closer to me and learn about me. That has made all the difference in the world."
July 14, 2014--"I get a lot of good things from you."
July 14, 2014--"I like you. I have confidence in you."
July 16, 2014--"I felt so good after talking to you last time, I wanted to do it again."
July 17, 2014--"I have much to thank you for."
July 17, 2014--"My husband calls you, 'Dr. Hope.'"
July 21, 2014--"Thank you so much for your help. I feel so relieved."
July 22, 2014--"I can't thank you enough."
July 23, 2014--"What's great about you is that you offer my mother psychotherapy. In New York, we've been trying for years but no psychiatrist was willing to do that."
July 23, 2014--"You are so good. Thank you for helping me. You were right. I thank you for advising me. It's so emotional for me. You are right. I did the right thing, and we are getting the right results. And thank you so much for taking the time to call me and telling me this."
July 24, 2014--"Because of what I learned in my therapy with you, I have changed my family. They are no longer dysfunctional."
July 24, 2014--"I look forward to my therapy."
July 29, 2014--"I like you. You make me feel more comfortable. I feel better when I see you."
July 29, 2014--"Since doing my therapy with you, everyone says I sound more confident and mellow."
July 30, 2014--"I think you are a great person."
July 31, 2014--"I like the way you focus me."
July 31, 2014--"Dr. Davidson, you are a good man."
August 1, 2014--"Always good to see you. Thank you very much."
August 1, 2014--"I am much more aware of my problem, thanks to you."
August 1, 2014--"Dr. Davidson, you have helped me to live with myself."
August 1, 2014--"You always make me feel better. I always like to come here and see you."
August 1, 2014--"You are so nice. I appreciate you so much."
August 1, 2014--"Thank you for helping me."
August 1, 2014--"Because of our therapy, I am so much more confident, happy and relaxed, now. I feel so much less anxious and ashamed."
August 1, 2014--"I always listen to you carefully. I replay after the session what we talked about."
August 2, 2014--"I feel very well taken care of. I embrace what you say."
August 4, 2014--"Thanks for listening to me."
August 4, 2014--"You are very smart."
August 4, 2014--"You are usually right regarding my difficult medical symptoms, even compared to my other doctors. Thank you. You were right even compared to my top cardiologist at Cedars."
August 4, 2014--"You have given me some kind of tenacity, some kind of honor, where I can stand up to people. I am inspired."
August 4, 2014--"I think you are a very wise person."
August 5, 2014--"It was a joy meeting you today"
August 5, 2014--"You are worth every penny."
August 6, 2014--"Since we have been working together, I have stopped throwing up for the first time in 40 years. Thank you so much for today."
August 7, 2014--"Thank you for going far and above to get me my medication."
August 7, 2014--"Seeing you is like coming home."
August 7, 2014--"Your helpful words stay in my head."
August 8, 2014--"I can't tell you how grateful I am to you for helping me."
August 8, 2014--"You are my favorite doctor."
August 8, 2014--"I have been truly looking forward to seeing you."
August 9, 2014--"I loved our talk today, It helped me so much."
August 11, 2014--"Working with you is making me sane."
August 11, 2014--"Thank you very much for seeing me."
August 11, 2014--"You are a godsend."
August 12, 2014--"You are such a nice man." "I am proud that you are my doctor."
August 13, 2014--"You have done a great job with me. You are so knowledgeable."
August 13, 2014--"You are a good doctor. You put up with a lot, and I have a lot of insight from you. I feel comfortable with you. All your clients are very attached to you. Thank you very much for everything."
August 14, 2014--"Thank you for helping me. I appreciate you."
August 16, 2014--"Thank you for your patience. Thank you for your decency. I can't thank you enough. You are very important to me." "If only Robin Williams had you as his doctor; he should have had you as his doctor."
August 20, 2014--"I feel grateful I have you."
August 20, 2014--"You inspire me. You have complete belief in me."
August 21, 2014--"Thank you for all the hope!"
August 21, 2014--"I find working with you very helpful."
August 21, 2014--"I really like you. I like your attitude. You are gentle and at the same time very strong."
August 22, 2014--"You've done a wonderful job. You have moved the Rock of Gibraltar of my girlfriend, which I could never do."
August 22, 2014--"You validate that I am intelligent, which I found valuable. You made me feel smart, which I appreciate. It makes me feel good."
August 25, 2014--"You are so creative and helpful."
August 25, 2014--"I am alive and sane because of you."
August 26, 2014--"You are very helpful. You give me life advice. You are one of the most helpful doctors I have run into in 22 years. Thank you for everything. I look forward to coming here, as I think something is going to be done. You have really put some hope in me. I am actually smiling."
August 27, 2014--"Thank you for your advice. I am going to take your recommendation."
September 2, 2014--"You have been really, really helpful to me. You are logical and scientific. With other therapies, I just talked for the sake of talking."
September 2, 2014--"This has been great today. Thank you for helping me understand myself."
September 3, 2014--"I am your patient's insurance company's reviewer. Your patient is very lucky to have you."
September 4, 2014--"I am feeling better with all our therapy."
September 5, 2014--"I tell everybody how good you are."
September 5, 2014--"My business manager has seen a whole new change in me. He respects you."
September 6, 2014--"If I didn't have you, and learn everything you taught me, I would be in big trouble now."
September 8, 2014--"You taught me to be smart."
September 9, 2014--"You really got me moving. I am getting things done for the first time in years. Talking to you has been very helpful."
September 12, 2014--"You have worked miracles with my husband. He has become jovial."
September 16, 2014--"It was a pleasure talking with you today."
September 16--"I am so happy my husband is seeing you. I really think you can help him, and he really likes you; and so do I. I am happy you are in our lives."
September 18, 2014--"With you, I am not fighting but moving forward and understand myself better. I feel with you I am finally on the right path."
September 18, 2014--"Thank god I have you. I don't know what would have happened to me, otherwise."
September 19, 2014--"You are the only person in the world, helping me. You say things clearly that I can understand, and I can leave you and work with it. You are the most helpful human being I have run across in the past 20 years. You are better than my physician. You are smart, sharp, pertinent and correct--a full house!"
September 19, 2014--"Thank you for the kindness you give, and for being the person you are."
September 23, 2014--"I like coming here and talking to you. You understand me and my life, so I like talking to you."
September 25, 2014--"You are really brilliant. I was very lucky to get a genius for a psychotherapist."
September 26, 2014--"Dr. Davidson, thank you so much. I want to tell you that my friend whom I referred to you has now earned a Ph.D. in psychology and now does psychological research, and works troubled youth. You saved his life!"
September 26, 2014--"I am so glad you became my psychiatrist."
September 29, 2014--"It's such a gift to have a psychiatrist like you whom I can trust."
October 2, 2014--"I really like you, feel comfortable with you, and for the first time I think I can actually get more out of my life. I like that you are laid back."
October 3, 2014--"I always listen to you carefully. I re-play after the session what we talked about. You're' been an inspiration to me."
October 3, 2014--"You are quite a doctor. You are very good at what you do. You suggested things; and I have followed up on them; and they always work out."
October 3, 2014--"Of all the doctors I know and refer to, you are the most unbelievably kind and patient and caring."
October 4, 2014--"The education you have given me has come in very handy. I feel like a different person. I feel a lot better. I can't thank you enough."
October 6, 2014--"Thank you, Dr. Davidson. I am a very pleased person. It's amazing. I feel like I am a completely different person."
October 7, 2014--"Coming to you has been a life saver. You have never steered me wrong. You have always made me feel good about myself."
October 10, 2014--"I am so happy that now my girlfriend has a great 'Doctor Davidson,' too."
October 14, 2014--"Dr. Davidson: Good job. Great session!"
October 14, 2014--"After seeing you today, I am much better."
October 15, 2014--"You really helped me."
October 16, 2014--"You are a brilliant doctor. You did a very good job. I am really impressed. And you are a really good general practitioner."
October 16, 2014--"You have always made a difference in my wife, for years."
October 20, 2014--"It's an amazing thing that we are doing together."
October 20, 2014--"I feel fortunate to have found a great doctor."
October 24, 2014--"You are rock solid."
October 24, 2014--"Dr. Davidson, You deserve a medal."
October 24, 2014--"This is the best money I have ever spent."
October 24, 2014--"I have been feeling the best ever. I am getting so much done!"
October 29, 2014--"You are doing good."
October 29, 2014--"You make me feel better."
October 30, 2014--"I like you. You make me feel more comfortable."
October 31, 2014--"You are very encouraging. What you say makes sense. You have planted the right seeds in me. I wouldn't have been able to achieve what I have if I hadn't come here and seen what you showed me. I needed your professional guidance. I am no longer afraid."
October 31, 2014--"Thank you so much for replying so swiftly to my request."
November 5, 2014--"Good job, Doc."
November 6, 2014--"Some of your patients can hardly wait to see you!"
November 10, 2014--"Thank you. I feel better."
November 11, 2014--Thank you for today. And thank you for your patience."
November 11, 2014--"For me, the past week and a half with you have been a revelation of my past 59 years. It was the medication and your help. All this has been very, very helpful. You saved my life. Thank you. This was a great meeting. Your intervention was one of the best things ever done for me. I am very impressed!"
November 12, 2014--"My wife is happier, more touchy-feeling."
November 13, 2014--"Thank you for seeing me in such beautiful colors. I needed it!"
November 14, 2014--"You gave me an a-ha moment, right now. Thank you for those words."
November 14, 2014--"Thank god I have you, and you have given me the tools you gave me."
November 19, 2014--"I reflected on what you said. You were very helpful."
November 19, 2014--"I trust you."
November 20, 2014--"You make sense."
November 20, 2014--"Thank you for being here for me. I feel healed. My wife is really impressed with the help you have been giving me."
November 20, 2014--The discussion we had last week was very helpful. Thank you."
November 24, 2014--"It's always a relief to come in here and talk to you."
November 25, 2014--"I am impressed with your comprehensive knowledge of medications."